Your navigation solution
#Navigation solution #MapTrip #android
In the year 2012, Map and Route built its own navigation solution according to special demands from our directory customers. The V-Navi (Android, iOS) achieved 1.7 million downloads and constantly received good reviews. It was enriched with numerous POI data from Map and Route and also was a favourite in several OEM tenders. Map and Route often reached a good score in many rounds.
The basis of V-Navi is the solution MapTrip® of our partner Infoware which is from now on only available as a customized solution for third-parties. This means that you can supply your customers with a high-end navigation solution within your own brand that you can enrich with your own data, offers and services.
Map and Route uses MapTrip® mainly as a navigation tool for logistic solutions. B2B customers use it to optimise their daily customer routes, to optimise the service sequences at municipal facilities and also to optimise the pick-up and delivery routes. Therefore our customers update their own POI data in the Map and Route MapCMS. These data are then transferred to all MapTrip apps that a customer has licensed for his drivers with Map and Route.
Please feel free to contact us and exchange about the optimal operation of our solutions and geographical data.
Try now for free: https://navigation.mapandroute.de/maptrip-truck-lkw-navi-app
#GIS #Geocoder #Map API
Standardisierte Schnittstellen erleichtern unseren Kunden die Datenverarbeitung. Unseren Industrie- und Logistikkunden bieten wir maßgeschneiderter GIS-Lösungen.
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